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UK Charity # 1119990
Gospel of Mark
Whole Gospel of Mark
Mark 1
Mark 1:1-13. The Beginning: Jesus is baptised
Mark 1:14-15. Jesus proclaims the Kingdom of God
Mark 1:16-20. Jesus calls four fishermen
Mark 1:21-28. Jesus teaches in the synagogue
Mark 1:29-31. Jesus heals Simon’s mother-in-law
Mark 1:32-34. Jesus cures many sick people
Mark 1:35-39. His followers find Jesus praying
Mark 1:40-45. Jesus heals a leper
Mark 2
Mark 2:1-12. Jesus heals a paralysed man
Mark 2:13-17. Jesus eats with sinners
Mark 2:18-20. Jesus is asked about fasting
Mark 2:21-22. Jesus talks about new wine
Mark 2:23-28. Jesus says the Sabbath was made for people
Mark 3
Mark 3:1-6. Jesus heals a man’s arm on the Sabbath
Mark 3:7-12. A summary: crowds follow Jesus
Mark 3:13-20a. Jesus appoints the Twelve
Mark 3:20b-30. Teachers of the Law accuse Jesus
Mark 3:31-35. Jesus' Mother and Brothers
Mark 4
Mark 4:1-9. Jesus tells a parable of a sower
Mark 4:10-12. The purpose of parables
Mark 4:13-20. Jesus explains the parable of the sower
Mark 4:21-25. Jesus says, Hidden things will come to light
Mark 4:26-29. Another parable about seed and harvest
Mark 4:30-34. Jesus tells a parable of a mustard seed
Mark 4:35-41. Jesus calms a storm
Mark 5
Mark 5:1-20. Jesus heals a man with many unclean spirits
Mark 5:21-43. Jesus heals a woman and raises a girl from death
Mark 6
Mark 6:1-6a. In Nazareth, people reject Jesus
Mark 6:6b-13. Jesus sends out the Twelve to preach and heal
Mark 6:14-29. Herod hears about Jesus. Herod kills John the Baptist
Mark 6:30-46. The Twelve come back. Jesus feeds 5,000 people
Mark 6:47-52. Jesus walks on the water
Mark 6:53-56. People bring ill people to Jesus
Mark 7
Mark 7:1-13. Jesus argues with the Pharisees
Mark 7:14-23. Jesus teaches about food laws
Mark 7:24-30. A Gentile woman has faith
Mark 7:31-37. Jesus makes a deaf man hear
Mark 8
Mark 8:1-10. Jesus feeds 4,000 people
Mark 8:11-13a. Jesus refuses to give the Pharisees a sign
Mark 8:13b-21. The disciples still don’t understand
Mark 8:22-26. Jesus makes a blind man see
Mark 8:27 – 9:1 Peter says that Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus tells them, ‘Take up your cross and follow me’
Mark 9
Mark 9:2-8. Peter, James and John see Jesus shining brightly
Mark 9:9-13. The disciples ask Jesus about Elijah
Mark 9:14-29. A father says ‘Help me to believe’
Mark 9:30-32. For the second time, Jesus says that the Son of Man will suffer and die
Mark 9:33-37. Jesus tells the disciples, ‘The first must be last’
Mark 9:38-42. People who belong to Jesus
Mark 9:43-48. Don’t let anything stop you choosing the Kingdom of God
Mark 9:49-50. Some sayings about salt
Mark 10
Mark 10:1-12. Pharisees ask Jesus about divorce
Mark 10:13-16. Jesus says, 'Receive the Kingdom of God like a little child'
Mark 10:17-22. The rich man
Mark 10:23-31. Jesus teaches his disciples about wealth and the kingdom of God
Mark 10:32-34. For the third time, Jesus says that the Son of Man will suffer and die
Mark 10:35-46a. Jesus says, 'The Son of Man came to serve'
Mark 10:46b-52. Jesus heals a second blind man, and he follows Jesus
Mark 11
Mark 11:1-11. Jesus comes to Jerusalem and the crowds shout Hosanna
Mark 11:12-25. Jesus drives money-changers from the Temple
Mark 11:27-33. The chief priests challenge Jesus’ authority
Mark 12
Mark 12:1-12. Jesus tells a parable about a vineyard
Mark 12:13-17. The Pharisees ask a trick question
Mark 12:18-27. The Sadducees ask a trick question about resurrection
Mark 12:28-34. A teacher of the Law asks a genuine question about the Law
Mark 12:35-44. Jesus opposes scribes; a widow gives everything she has
Mark 13
Mark 13:1-13. Prophecies of the end times
Mark 13:14-23. The awful horror
Mark 13:24-37. The Coming of the Son of Man
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Mark 2:1-12
Mark 2:1-12
Jesus heals a paralysed man
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Mk 2.1-12
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