British Sign Language Bible Translation Project                                                        Charity Number 1119990; Registered Company 06278694

Focus Group

We are looking for Deaf BSL users to give us feedback on draft clips produced by the Translation Team. If you would like more details please contact us on

Back Translators

We are looking for interpreters and people with a high level of BSL and English skills to view the draft clips which are delivered in BSL and write down the transcript of what is signed in English. This is needed to check the clarity and accuracy of the translation work done to date. We would prefer people who are not so familiar with Biblical text as to get a true picture. If you are interested, please do get in touch by emailing us on


We need and value your prayers as a vital part of the BSL Bible Translation Project.

Thank God that the project has been set up, and for all the support and money received so far:

from individual people, including their commitment, enthusiasm and donations

from organisations, including the support from the Bible Society and United Bible Societies, from Greenbelt and support from Universities of Chester and Manchester, Spring Harvest and other large donors who wish to remain anonymous.


Download Legacy leaflet if you wish to support the Project and ensure a spiritual legacy for Deaf people.

Please especially pray for

The translation of the gospel of Mark:

that we will be able to set up translation teams that can work effectively to complete the translation accurately and in good time.

that funding will be found soon for Project Co-ordinators to be employed to manage the short-term work and create strategies to achieve the long-term project aims. Also for on-going funding for the translation work.

that the right people with expert skills and experience will commit to work in the different areas of the project.

If you would like to receive prayer updates by email, please contact us on

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